At school you may add additional printers to your computer simply by opening Self Service, searching for the name of the printer, and clicking install.
For a home printer, you'll follow this procedure. Note: You will not need an admin password in order to add your printer. You can perform these steps in your normal user account, without any help from the RMC.
Steps to Complete
- Go to the Apple Menu, and Choose System Preferences
- From there, choose your Printers & Scanners Preference Pane
- Then, click the + icon underneath your list of Printers.
- Select your printer from the list, then, click Add.
- You're all set to Print!
Notes and Troubleshooting
While most printers on the market will work following this procedure, if the printer is older, you may find you need to install the device specific driver.
To do this, open Self Service, search for your brand of printer, and install the relevant software package.
If you have any trouble, please open a ticket and we will work with you to get you printing at home.